profit. the program as you wish, for whomever you wish, as long as it is not for organization. We encourage you to make and distribute as many copies of There are no site license fees for the use of Disinfectant within an  Disinfectant is free. There is no shareware fee.  Northwestern University. and provided you give appropriate credit to both John Norstad and Disinfectant document in other publications, provided it is not for profit We also grant permission to extract and reproduce all or part of the  “Disinfectant” is a registered trademark of Northwestern University.  University. distributed for profit, without the permission of Northwestern other software, services, publications, or products which are sold or may not, however, be sold or distributed for profit, or included with disclaimer and copyright notice are preserved on all copies. The software granted to make and distribute copies of this software, provided this Copyright © 1988-1997, Northwestern University. Permission is  PURPOSE. WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR RESPECT TO THE PROGRAM, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO UNIVERSITY MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. NORTHWESTERN SPECIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, EVEN IF NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY IS WITHOUT LIMITATION, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT OR WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF DISINFECTANT, INCLUDING, UNIVERSITY DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR ANY DAMAGES ANY WARRANTY OR PROMISE OF TECHNICAL SUPPORT. NORTHWESTERN NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY PROVIDES DISINFECTANT AS IS, WITHOUT  may fail to locate and repair some infected files. Use it at your own risk. Disinfectant may help you detect and remove some Macintosh viruses. It   åDisclaimer and Copyright Notice < <    - , + * ) ( ' & % $ # " !             ⌃ ⌥ ⇧ ⌘                   åTable of Contents   » » » » July 9, 1997 » »Disinfectant 3.7.1 Ã Ã ,